On April 30, 2014 Sister Mary Eucharista joined Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection to share the impact that St. John Paul II had on her return home to Rome and how Catholic radio opened the door to receiving many graces that culminated in the founding of our Community.
Click on the image below to go to the interview
On March 21, 2014 Sister Mary Eucharista joined Al Kresta at Ave Maria studios in Ann Arbor, Michigan to share the beginning of her story of the Holy Spirit inviting the sisters to full communion and how a variety of influences called her home to Rome, including the death of St. John Paul II, and the subsequent election of Pope Benedict XVI.
Click on the image below to go to the segment
Mother Kathryn Joseph, Sister Maria Consuela and Sister Mary Joanna share our story of coming into full communion with Fr. Mark and Doug Barry on Life on the Rock.
A short documentary film about our community, shot by Casey O'Leary. Interviews include Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. and Bishop William S. Skylstad.